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Scheuerle SPMT / 2009
12 axles multi axles + PPU

Scheuerle 24AL SPMT PEKZ / 2005
4x 6-axle lines SPMT with big PPU

Scheuerle 16 AL SPMT PEKZ / 2009
4 x 4-axle lines SPMT with big PPU

Goldhofer PST-SL 6 axle / 2015

Scheuerle 12 AL SPMT / 2007
12 axle lines of SPMT with big powerpack

Goldhofer PST ADDrive 4-axle / 2016

Scheuerle PEKZ SPMT / 2005
44 Axle lines of SPMT with 2 units powerpack

Nicolas MHD-G2-SPE / 2015

Goldhofer PST-SL / 2002

Goldhofer PST-SL-E / 2009
10 axles PST-SL-E

Goldhofer PST-SL-E / 2008
30 axles PST-SL-E

Goldhofer THP-ES-E / 2012
10x selfpropelled module